
Hospitals are the most complex of building types. Each hospital comprises a wide range of services and functional units, from diagnostic and treatment functions such as clinical laboratories, imaging, emergency rooms and surgery to hospital-operations functions, such as food service and housekeeping as well as fundamental inpatient care or bed-related functions.
This diversity is reflected in the breadth and specificity of regulations, codes and oversight that govern hospital construction and operations. Each of the wide-ranging and constantly evolving functions of a hospital, including highly complicated mechanical, electrical, and telecommunications systems, requires specialised knowledge and expertise.
This is why specialised consultants play an important role in hospital planning, design, construction, commissioning and maintenance.
A) Hospital Kuala Lipis Phase 1 & 2
In February 2009, George Kent was appointed by the Malaysian Ministry of Health to design, build, commission and implement upgrading works to Phase 1 of Hospital Kuala Lipis, Pahang.
The construction work comprised the design and build of a 7-storey medical ward housing 106 hospital beds, operating theatres, car park facilities, building amenities and ancillary services essential to the hospital’s operations and its healthcare mission.
The Group leveraged its technical competencies, experience and expertise accumulated from various other projects to complete the upgrading works within budget and on time.
Building on the success of Phase 1 of Hospital Kuala Lipis, George Kent was subsequently awarded the contract to construct Phase 2 of the hospital housing an additional 56 beds, to be completed within 30 months from the date of award.
The construction of the Phase 2 5-storey hospital block will comprise:
- Level 1 – Kitchen & M&E Room;
- Level 2 – Carpark;
- Level 3 – Male Wards, Accident & Emergency Unit / Admission & Registration;
- Level 4 – Female Wards, Central Sterile Supplies Department (CSSD);
- Level 5 (Roof) – Utility & Services.
The project's other scope of works includes:
- Supply of Medical Equipment;
- Supply of Kitchen Equipment;
- Supply of Furniture – Loose / Built-in;
- Fire Fighting, Air-Condition, ELV & ICT;
- LV, Genset;
- External Works;
- Access Road;
- Landscape;
- Sewerage Treatment Plant.

B) Hospital Tanjong Karang
George Kent received the Letter of Award to design and build a district hospital in Tanjong Karang, Selangor on 31 October 2016. Located 6.5km from Tanjong Karang town and 7.5km from the town of Kuala Selangor, it is expected to serve some 200,000 residents in the vicinity.
The project’s scope of works includes designing and building a 150-bed medical and ward block, 30 units of housemen’s quarters, 24 units of Class “F” and “G” quarters, a 50-pax child nursery centre, an engineering block, a cafeteria and a visitor gallery, 2 fully equipped operating rooms (OR) amongst other medical facilities and the supply of equipment. All other associated works i.e. external works, road works, parking spaces and landscaping are also included in the scope of works.
The Tanjong Karang hospital was completed with the Certificate of Practical Completion issued on 7 July 2022.

C) Institut Endokrin Hospital Putrajaya
George Kent received the Letter of Award to design and build the 220-bed Institut Endokrin in Precint 7, Putrajaya from the Public Works Department (JKR) in December 2016. The hospital, located on a 10.7 acre site, is about 200 metres away from the existing Hospital Putrajaya (HPJ).
The project’s scope of works includes the design and construction of a hospital extension complex with a link bridge to the existing main block of HPJ and a multi-storey car park. The Institut Endokrin Hospital Putrajaya (IEHPj) is the first Institute in Malaysia in the field of endocrinology and comprises a 10-floor hospital block, a multi-storey parking block with 700 spaces for cars and 175 motorcycle lots, a Hybrid Smart Operating Theatre (OT) next to the first MRI room in Malaysia. In addition, the IEHPj also has three wards – endocrine medicine, endocrine surgery and endocrine paediatrics, an Endoscopic OT, three general OTs, Sleep Lab, Gymnasium, Hydrotherapy Pool, Therapy Garden and seminar rooms among others.
The IEHPj was completed and handed over to the Public Works Department and the Ministry of Health simultaneously on 22 April 2022.